Critic Says Yuga Labs Bitcoin NFTs Auction Sets ‘Really Bad Precedent’

Yuga Labs Bitcoin NFT offering has kicked off with a bang.

The firm behind Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) NFTs opened bids for its first 300-piece Bitcoin NFT collection, called TwelveFold, early Monday morning.

TwelveFold follows fast on the heels of the recent excitement around non-fungible tokens (NFTs), notably Ordinals. But unlike Ethereum-based NFTs, buying artworks built on the premier crypto network doesn’t have an open marketplace.

Thus, the current auction process has earned criticism from some users, including the inventor of Bitcoin Ordinals, Casey Rodamor.

How to buy Bitcoin NFTs

The auction process requires interested TwelveFold buyers to transfer Bitcoin to a Yuga Labs deposit address to place their bids. The company then custodies users Bitcoin until the auction ends; if a bid is unsuccessful, the funds are returned.

According to a Bitcoin Ordinals user, this is a «scammer’s dream,» adding that “Yuga is establishing a REALLY bad precedent running an auction like this.”

Yuga is establishing REALLY bad precedence running an auction like this. They are taking custody of bidders’ bitcoin with a promise to send back unsuccessful bids. Not doubting they’ll do that, but this model is a scammer’s dream, and credible players need to set better example.

— ordinally (@veryordinally) March 6, 2023

The criticism here revolves around other projects running a similar project, also promising to return funds to unsuccessful bids, but instead making off with users’ money. Being one of the most recognizable NFT brands, Yuga Labs «need to set a better example,» added the user.

Casey Rodamor, the mind behind Ordinals inscriptions, threatened to cut all ties with Yuga Labs and encourage others to do the same if they perform «degenerate bullshit like this again.»

Dear @yugalabs,@veryordinally is right. Actions like this prove that for some entities and people: “Once a shitcoiner always a shitcoiner.”

If I, personally, Casey Rodarmor, ever see you, Yuga labs, the entity, fuck around with degenerate bullshit like this again, I will wash…

— Casey Rodarmor (@rodarmor) March 6, 2023

Bitcoin’s NFT limits

This controversial auction arrangement for Bitcoin-based NFTs is a result of the network’s limited ability to accommodate such operations.

On Ethereum, for example, you can place on-chain bids on top Ethereum marketplaces like OpenSea and Blur for NFT auctions and sales, a feature currently unavailable on Bitcoin.

Ordinals Launches NFTs on Bitcoin, Unsurprisingly Sparking Controversy

Bitcoin’s limited smart contract ability prohibits developers, even the likes of Yuga Labs, from setting up similar mechanisms on Bitcoin.

But given the stark criticism from users, continued Bitcoin NFT adoption appears to hinge on solving this primitive auction mechanism.



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