
Cardano Djed Stablecoin Scores New Listing: Details

In a recent announcement shared by the COTI network, Cardano’s Djed stablecoin has scored a new listing. Muesliswap, a Cardano-based DEX and Djed partner, has announced that it will list the stablecoin Djed and its reserve coin, Shen.

A day earlier, Cardano’s biggest DEX in terms of Defi TVL dominance, Minswap, announced the listing of ADA/DJED and ADA/SHEN pairs on its platform.

Another Djed partner has announced that they will be listing $DJED and $SHEN!

Thanks @MuesliSwapTeam!$COTI https://t.co/TW8wRcf22a

— COTI (@COTInetwork) January 26, 2023

Singapore-based exchange Bitrue will be the first exchange to list DJED and SHEN, as it announced an exclusive dual listing of both tokens earlier in the week.

As expectations are rising for the imminent launch of the Djed stablecoin, the COTI network has taken to Twitter to share updates on the Djed wallet. It says that the Nami wallet integration to support CIP-30 is ready for mainnet. A suggestion made by Cardano developer Adam Dean will be incorporated into the testnet. Lastly, COTI shares that the next wallet to be integrated is eternlwallet.

As reported earlier, Adam Dean revealed further details on CIP-30, a Cardano improvement proposal that would bring webpage interaction functionality to Cardano-based hot wallets, creating a bridge between crypto asset storage and decentralized applications.

The launch of Cardano’s overcollateralized stablecoin, Djed, is now much closer, as the COTI network stated that the launch was scheduled for next week.

Djed’s official Twitter account corroborated this, saying the launch of the overcollateralized stablecoin was just days away. However, no specifics about the exact date have been given yet.



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