
ChainSafe & Aztec Network’s integration proposes to solve ENS privacy issues

ChainSafe Solutions takes the opportunity of sharing the proposal that it has forwarded at the Ethereum Name Service (ENS) DAO weekly ecosystem meeting on the 8th of December, 2022. The prime issue that the company was dealing with and seeking solutions for ENS privacy issues. It was a detailed proposal on how exactly to address the important and significant matter.

ChainSafe Solutions, on its part, happens to be actively involved with the carrying out of bringing all of their collective areas of skill together, along with all of their gained knowledge and experience gathered over the period of time. They also happen to be constantly following the path of research. All of this is then targeted towards the deliverance of the creation of fresh outlooks pertaining to important issues at hand, along with the proper solving of complicated factors.

The ultimate aim and intention behind all of these activities are to provide an enormous amount of boost to the connected communities to carry innovations forward. The proposal that has been delivered by them outlines a plan of action for the merging of ENS with Aztec Network in order to arrive at a solution for the effective delinking of received and sent addresses.

Where the Ethereum Name Service (ENS) is concerned, it happens to be a protocol that is a disbursed, open, and extensible naming system that has been created on Ethereum. The names in the ENS are in the form of a human-readable representation of the likes of an Ethereum address which can be announced and transferred for the obtaining of funds. Along with that, there is also the issue of being able to join their social media account to a single name.

All of this, at first look, definitely seems to be very beneficial till the aspect of the user’s privacy crops up, as in the case of a user publishing his ENS on social media for everyone’s benefit. It also turns out that, in the same case scenario, anyone can hone in on the person’s financial history, leaving him vulnerable. Therefore, the problem, according to ChainSafe Solutions, is that a user requires an easy way of sharing an address without anyone being in the position of tracking their on-chain doings.

Considering all of these factors, the company has proposed the formation of an association between the ENS and the Aztec Network. Aztec Network happens to be in the business of offering completely private Ethereum transactions, which are based on zk-rollups. It is also connected to the PLONK proving mechanism.

Therefore, in the opinion of the ChainSafe team, this merger is a factor that will be able to address all of the required issues properly. Furthermore, the integration points towards the goal of solving the ENS’s privacy issues and streamlining the same for a better user experience.



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