
Tether Now Available In 24,000 ATMs Across Brazil

Tether (USDT) Tokens to be Made Accessible in 24k+ ATMs Throughout Brazil.

Tether (USDT) will be launched in over 24,000 ATMs throughout Brazil by FinTech firm SmartPay.

Cryptocurrencies are fast creeping into the everyday payments of the average individual. The industry is seeing a massive espousal rate, and several companies are leveraging this opportunity to provide the masses with more direct access to digital currencies.

Latin America has seen one of the most impressive adoption rates of cryptocurrencies, with some FinTech firms developing seamless integrations with the asset class. Brazilians, in particular, have welcomed these integrations wholeheartedly in the past and will be seeing more before long.

In a recent highlight of events, individuals within Brazil will soon get the opportunity to access Tether (USDT) across over 24,000 ATMs in Brazil, Tether Operations Limited – the firm behind USDT – announced Thursday via an official press release.

Per the information, the integration will be handled by FinTech firm SmartPay to ensure seamless access for Brazilians. The goal of the development is to give more individuals within Brazil access to financial technology through cryptocurrencies.

With this integration, Brazilians can select USDT amongst other cryptocurrencies as their desired asset for whatever use case across the 24k+ ATMs. They will get the opportunity to send USDT to anyone across the globe. Additionally, users can receive Tether and withdraw through Brazilian reais where necessary. The integration will be made available on November 3.

“Adding tether tokens to ATMs across Brazil provides the opportunity to include more people in the financial system. This will bring major changes not only to the payments industry but to the entire Brazilian financial ecosystem,” Paulo Ardonio, Chief Technology Officer at Tether, remarked, speaking on the development.

With a market capitalization of $68.5B, USDT remains the largest stablecoin by valuation. The asset has also been the third largest cryptocurrency by market cap, only below Bitcoin (BTC) and Ether (ETH).

Data suggests USDT transactions eclipsed $1.4B worth in August, making it one of the most moved cryptocurrencies. This integration from SmartPay is likely to bring more mainstream attention to USDT in the Brazilian cryptocurrency scene.



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